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It's a huge collection of forms and easy-to-understand documents related to your legal needs.
I browse the files when I need to learn about a subject that affects me. Recently I learned about writing wills. I even downloaded a sample will. I'll use this as a template for my own will.
Get a head start on the tough legal questions before you see a lawyer. They have great info for family law matters, buisness, rental, buying a home, green cards, immigration, visas, contracts and everything else in between.
It's a huge collection of forms and easy-to-understand documents related to your legal needs.
I browse the files when I need to learn about a subject that affects me. Recently I learned about writing wills. I even downloaded a sample will. I'll use this as a template for my own will.
Get a head start on the tough legal questions before you see a lawyer. They have great info for family law matters, buisness, rental, buying a home, green cards, immigration, visas, contracts and everything else in between.
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