Airin's Place

Airin's Place My best shopping experiences, some essential knowledge, a showcase of the best websites on the net, and a few words of wisdom...
...and Vinyl Cutter Page.

PayPal as an investment?

Sign up for PayPal and start accepting credit card payments instantly.
PayPal is essential these days if you have a small business or you buy online. But I didn't realize PayPal is also a great investment.
Check you current bank account out... How much are they paying you in interest? I found I was only making %0.7.... Not even one stinking percent. And of course they were charging me for everything.
Did you know I'm making %4.43 on the money I have in my PayPal account? It's free to fund the account (no transaction fee) and withdrawl from it.
I signed up my business with PayPal and one for my personal shopping. I activated the money market account PayPal offers and now I'm making %4.43 on my account....
It doesn't get better than that...Sign up for PayPal and start accepting credit card payments instantly.

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